Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I'm in LOVE again....


Wow! 1,644 views of this blog.  Now I feel guilty. I haven't been here in a long time... Maybe I got bogged down by people saying Fashion isn't important. And even worse, people seem to be intimidated by fashion.  I'm not sure what that means, because all fashion is, in its simplest form is: something you wear. That's it. But there are all of these connotations surrounding fashion, and this horrible moment where instead of enjoying it and using it to portray the image you want to project, people start judging it, and using it to judge others.  And that's what sent me running away from my blog page. Well - I'm back.  Because that's not how I feel about fashion.  So Sunday night my fire for fashion was reignited for two reasons.

1. The elegance, the sheer awe of it. A form of falling in love over and over again. Ralph Lauren.  (his designs of course.)
2.  A questionaire I filled out for a website I'm having designed.

So how did this come about?

I sat down on the sofa, curled in my favorite blanket, next to a crackling fire, after a very long weekend (9 month old baby had the flu, imagine hours of crying, flushed cheeks, and lots of bleary eyed moments). . .to watch one of my absolute favorite delicious shows, called: Downton Abbey.  The images are so incredible, even my daughter who is three said "Mommy, this show is very beautiful." They've entered the early twenties in the U.K. an especially superb era for fashion.  The silky fabrics, the subdued yet bold colors, and my favorite - long, elegant above the elbow gloves, that seem to elongate the silhouette.

Before the show began there was a short sponsorship/ advertisement. Just a small clip from Ralph Lauren.  The short shows in a few moments the evolution from the idea, concept, the drawing of the image to the completion of a final look, to the presentation of the look on the Runway. From that moment, I literally fell in love all over again.  There seems to be a catch in my throat, a rush in my heart, a moment of well - LOVE, when I experience beautiful fashion.  It seems effortless, it just seems to work.  That feeling is what compels me to delight in fashion.  To day-dream about it, to imagine that I am that woman wearing that dress, feeling exceptional, commanding attention and fulfilling my concept of glamour.  Can fashion really do all of that?  No, of course not, its the woman behind the dress, but the fashion dares us to imagine. It is an exquisite form of art that allows us to express ourselves without saying one word.

The second thing: a question from Natasha Lakos web design questionaire. http://natashalakos.com/meet-natasha/  Check out her website, she's brilliant.  Her question, was, If you're website had to get dressed, What would your website be wearing?  What a concept.  It forced me to  remember and maybe realize that the way you dress says something about you whether you want it to or not. WARNING:  Read the following with no judgment:  If you say you don't care what you wear, your clothes reflect that, so maybe you're wearing a fleece vest, white turtleneck and a pair of jeans.  Are the jeans clean? Are they distressed? Do they have rips in them?  The fact is you have to put something on and it does reflect on who you are.  It can say - I care alot - red silk blouse, fur vest, effortlessly tight creamy cords. . . and shoes?  Not sure, you pick.... Or black silk blouse, chunky costume jewelry necklace.... burgandy velvet blazer... etc. etc.  You get the picture. 

If you're still reading this page... I'll come to my point.  Fashion is a must.  Fashion is an integral part of our every day, from bikini to business suit... we wear clothes! Why not enjoy it...

I'd love to know what you think about Fashion?  How you feel about it.... Is it something you just put on, or is there alot of thought that goes into it...Please join the discussion below. Comment... Let me know how fashion works for you!   Hello to my friends in the Philippines!  Thank's for following my Fashion Diaries Facebook page here! 1200 likes and counting. . .

Next Blog:  Stories from the Vogue Trenches....

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