Saturday, March 30, 2013

Keeping Up With The Bloggers...


I have to apologize to my readers.  I'm learning how to be good at this. . . I am currently working on the second installation of how to break into the fashion industry.  In the mean time I wanted to share one that inspires me:

This photo of Jane Aldridge from SEA of Shoes blog is beautiful and makes me feel so many things.  First I love that everything she wears is in this photo is vintage and looks fresh.  The pose itself is so free and reminds me of Spring but also harkens sophistication of the 60's and 50's.  I'm so impressed by this mother/daughter relationship.  Her mother is the photographer and her daughter the inspiration!

This is a nod to SEA of SHOES - you delight me daily. 

For Blogging - my inspiration seems to come in spurts, I get sort of obsessed with the fashion impulses and then it falls by the way side. Try harder. . . that's all I can do.

XX, Libby

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